Pidgin english sentences
Pidgin english sentences

pidgin english sentences

( HIGH) How are you? Yu stap gut? ( yoo stahp goot?) Fine, thank you.

pidgin english sentences pidgin english sentences

Pronunciation Guide Vowels a like f ather e like s et or n ame i like h it or mach ine o like squ awk, f ork, or h ome u like s oup Consonants b like bed d like dog f like fun or a bilabial fricative often interchangeable with "p" g like go h like help j like judge only word-initial k like keep l like love m like mother n like nice p like pig often interchangeable with "f" r trill or flap s like sue or zoo t like top v like fi ve w like weigh y like yes Common diphthongs ai like t ime ( taim), tr ying ( traim), or off ering (without the "r") ( ofaim), depending on the word au like c ow Phrase list Basics Hello. Many words are reduplicated, which may make a completely different word ( sip ship, sipsip sheep), form a derivative ( tok word, talk, language, toktok conversation, phrase), or just be part of the word ( pukpuk means crocodile, but there is no word puk). Notable features of Tok Pisin include the frequent suffix -pela, which is used to pluralize personal pronouns and mark that an adjective or number is modifying a noun, and the suffix -im, which usually indicates a transitive verb. The grammar is creolized and unlike those of the source languages. The vocabulary is 5/6 Indo-European (mostly English, some German, Portuguese, and Latin), 1/7 Malayo-Polynesian, and the rest Trans-New-Guinea and other languages. WikiPedia:Tok Pisin Tok Pisin (or Pidgin) is spoken in Papua New Guinea, and is closely related to Pijin blong Solomon ( Solomon Islands), Bislama ( Vanuatu), and Ailan Tok ( Torres Strait) these Bislamic languages are descended from a pidgin which formed around 1820 or 1860.

Pidgin english sentences